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Community Opinion Survey

Help your community’s suicide prevention efforts.


About The Survey

This 15-minute survey is designed for all people in your community, regardless of whether you have experienced thoughts of suicide yourself. Our goal is to better understand community opinions and attitudes to identify ways to improve suicide prevention programs. The information collected through this survey will help us shape future mental health research and policy. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Why am I being asked to participate?

We hope to understand the experiences and perspectives of people from ALL backgrounds in your community.

How much time does it take to complete the survey?

On average, the survey will take 15 minutes to complete.

How will my responses be protected?

This survey is anonymous. Data collected by this survey will be used to inform suicide prevention practices and will not be used to identify any specific individuals.

Who is paying for this project?

This study is funded by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Why should I participate? 

By sharing your experiences, you will contribute to efforts that aim to improve services and create new programs that will help save lives. Your contribution ensures that all community members are heard, understood, and served equitably with effective suicide prevention programs that bring hope and a better quality of life.

Who is conducting this survey?

Titan Alpha, an independent research organization, has been contracted by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to conduct this research initiative. Titan Alpha is partnering with Minuteman Technology Services to perform survey operations. This study has received clearance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to collect this information from the public.

I don’t know very much about suicide. I have never had suicidal thoughts. Do you still want me to participate?

Yes! We want to hear from a broad range of people in your community. The questions in the survey do not require any special knowledge of or previous experience with suicide.

Have More Questions?

If you have further questions or if you experience technical issues filling out your survey, please call 888-913-1380 or email

Our Team

We are a team of mental health researchers and suicide prevention policymakers who want to better understand people's attitudes toward suicide so we can improve suicide prevention.

Rani Hoff, PhD, MPH

Director of the Northeast Program Evaluation Center (NEPEC) for the US Department of Veteran Affairs, Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention 

Bruce Crow, PsyD, MPH

Associate Director of Program Evaluation for the VA Suicide Prevention Program at the US Department of Veterans Affairs 

Administrative Team

Diana Morrill, MPH, Research Coordinator

Eileen Peng, MBA, Implementation Manager

Matthew Willis, Website Designer

Reva Stidd, MPH, Project Manager

Tom Wilkinson, MPH, Survey Methodologist

Our Team

How To Participate

Participation in the survey is by invitation only. Invitations will be received by postal mail, email, or by phone. You may answer the survey either online or by mail. Select participants will complete the questionnaire when invited over the phone.

How To Participate


Please refer to your invitation letter for your survey link and personal access code.


Provide your survey answers on the questionnaire booklet that you received in the mail and return it to us using the included postage-paid envelope. 

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